Worst Hairlines: How to Protect It from Receding?

Worst Hairlines: How to Protect It from Receding?

The shape and height of both men’s and women’s hairlines influence their appearance. Although each person’s hairline is distinct and individual, they typically fit into one of a few categories.

hairline also changes with age. If you have hairlines you don’t like, you may be able to change it. It’s easy to freak out when you see your hairlines tilting back every year, especially if it’s easy to see high hairlines in a mirror or photo. Fortunately, there are ways to stop your hairline from thinning further and, in some cases, even regrow some of the hair you’ve already lost.

You can read about the symptoms of receding hairlines, as well as what to do about them, below.

Read more: Should You Condition Your Hair Everyday? How to Avoid Over-Conditioning? – Tips for Health Care

What Are the Worst Hairlines?

The worst hairlines are exactly what they sound like: baldness caused by androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, that causes your hairline to move gradually (or, in the case of some guys, quickly) further up your head.

The shape of hairlines naturally varies. Some men have widow’s peaks that give their hairlines an M- or V-shaped shape even when they are not experiencing hair loss, while other men have straight hairlines that run directly from one side of their forehead to the other.

When male pattern baldness first begins, receding hairlines are a common occurrence. You might notice a slight thinning of your hair at the temples or that your hairline is beginning to take on the shape of a V, M, or U when viewed from above.

Worst Hairlines: How to Protect It from Receding?

In your 30s, 40s, or later years of life, receding hairlines can appear. Experts in hair loss use a system called the Norwood scale to assess the severity of receding hairlines, as well as other symptoms of pattern hair loss in men.

Why Do You Have the Worst Hairlines?

The most frequent causes of a receding hairline are aging and hereditary factors.

Hair loss and receding hairlines can both be exacerbated by other factors. These factors include:

  • Over-styling hair (especially with heat)
  • Choosing tight hairstyles like cornrows and braiding
  • Using chemicals such as bleach and peroxide to color hair
  • Eating a diet that’s high in saturated fatTrusted Source, processed foods, preservatives, and sugar
  • Smoking cigarettesTrusted Source
  • Inflammatory scalp diseases like lupus or frontal fibrosing alopecia

How to Protect Hairlines from Receding?

Despite the fact that there is no cure for receding hairlines, there are health tips and treatments that can keep your hair looking fuller for longer.

Eating a Healthy Diet

While a poor diet won’t cause receding hairlines, it can affect your general hair health and rate of hair growth. We’ve shared some tips below to help you prioritize hair-friendly foods and have a diet that’s designed for optimal hair growth. Your hair may appear fuller and healthier if you consume a diet rich in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are substances that protect against oxidative stress, which can speed up hair aging. Natural antioxidants are abundant in blueberries, spinach, kidney beans, and walnuts.

The following vitamins and minerals are an essential part of healthy hair growth:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron
  • Zinc

Including a lot of leafy greens, nuts, and seeds in your diet may enhance the appearance and feel of your hair.

Use Small, Simple Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Stress

Having frequent episodes of anxiety and worry may cause your hair to thin more quickly than it should because stress is linked to a type of hair loss known as telogen effluvium.

Spend a small amount of time each day engaging in activities that make you happy if you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Consider going to therapy if you feel you need more support so you can pinpoint the main sources of your stress and take action to stop them from having an impact on you.

Herbal Remedies

If you have receding hairlines, herbal preparations that are applied topically may support healthier, fuller hair.

Traditional holistic medicine has long used Chinese hibiscus, ginseng, gotu kola, gooseberry, and aloe vera as hair loss remedies. Saw palmettoTrusted Source is another herbal remedy that’s been found to slow down or stop hair loss. Many shampoos and conditioners, including this one by For Hims, use it as an active ingredient.

You can mix several herbs in a carrier oil solution to create a conditioning treatment to leave on your scalp.

Use a Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo

Some shampoos are made specifically to be kind to your hair while also energizing the hair follicles. While some shampoos have ingredients that can be harsher on the hair and strip sebum (oil) from your scalp, others might promote hair growth.

Worst Hairlines: How to Protect It from Receding?

Ketoconazole, an ingredient in these shampoos, is the active component. Research from the 2020 Trusted Source suggests that it can promote hair growth in many cases.

Adjust Your Hairstyle

A simple, inexpensive way to stop hair loss is to change the way you style your hair. Hair brushing excessively, handling your hair roughly, and sporting certain tight hairstyles are all things that can cause your hairline to recede.

The idea is to draw attention away from areas of thinning hair, like the tops of the hairlines or the temples, rather than to cover up your hairlines. If you’re worried about hair loss, consider these hairstyles:

  • Keep the top of your hair long so you can pull it back into a fohawk. The texture will give the illusion that there’s more hair than there is. Pair this with sides that are clean-shaven and well-groomed for a polished look.
  • If you want to keep your grooming routine as simple as possible or if your hair is already short, you should buzz it.
  • To keep hair out of your eyes, consider a side part.

Communicate With Your Doctor

Speak with your doctor about your options if you want to change the way your hairline looks. Some people may find their hairline receding upsetting. Your doctor might be able to suggest treatments that can help as well as assist you in identifying the underlying cause of the problem.

Hair loss and some medications are related. Among them are particular antibiotic subtypes, medications for acne, and cholesterol-lowering substances. Make sure your doctor is aware of all the medications you are currently taking. Also mention your stress level, especially if it’s high. Stress can exacerbate receding hairlines even though it may not always be a direct cause of hair loss.

Final Thoughts

Once the receding of your hairlines has begun, there is no known way to stop it. To make your hair less likely to fall out, there are more options than ever. Be aware that every person responds to hair loss treatment methods differently, so it’s important to discuss with your doctor which course of action is best for you.

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