Yoga After C-section: Recommended Poses

Yoga After C-section: Recommended Poses

It is generally accepted that having a C-section may make it more challenging for women to lose belly fat after pregnancy. Even though it requires extensive stomach surgery, these 7 yoga asanas can help you reduce your belly fat.

We have put together for you 7 expert-approved yoga poses that will not only help you get rid of postpartum obesity belly fat but also help strengthen your abdominal or core muscles after a cesarean section. If you want to lose belly fat and stay in shape after you can exercise your body after delivery, look no further. Although it involves significant surgery on the stomach area, new mothers can still lose extra belly fat by performing specific yoga poses, contrary to popular belief, having a c-section may make it more difficult for women to reduce postpartum belly fat.

Read more: Yoga for 3 People: Several Poses You Can Have a Try – Tips for Health Care

Is It Ok to Do Yoga After C-section?

The answer is, YES! After giving birth, a woman may begin practicing yoga two to three months later. This is just a general overview; before practicing yoga or any other exercise, make sure to speak with your doctor about your health and well-being. You can use this to determine how well your body can withstand the physical strain, muscle pull, and stretching.

  • When your doctor gives the all-clear, you can begin practicing yoga.
  • Yoga will help you recover better, tone your muscles, and also strengthen them
  • It will help realign all the body ligaments and loose muscles
  • It will calm your inner mind, body, and soul and help you gain your nerves and deal with any kind of stress and nervousness
  • Before you start your yoga session, start with basic stretches, and ensure you breathe properly
Yoga After C-section: Recommended Poses

4 Recommended Yoga Poses After C-section

Once your yoga session starts, begin by stretching your neck, arms, shoulders, knees, and ankles. Make sure to breathe properly while stretching.

Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose

Method: Lie down flat on your stomach. With your arms close to your body and your elbows pointing outward, place your palms on either side of your chest. Inhale, then lift your shoulders, neck, and forehead.

Make use of your arms’ strength to raise your trunk. While breathing normally, look up. Make certain that the floor is pressed against your stomach. Hold the position for five seconds. Slowly roll onto your stomach and lie back. Turn your head to one side and place your arms by your sides.

Benefits: Yoga’s Bhujangasana, also known as the Cobra pose, is a reclining, back-bending asana that strengthens the spine, butt muscles, chest, abdomen, shoulders, and lungs. It also improves blood circulation and relieves stress in the body. Stretching the area around the neck and throat improves thyroid function and is beneficial for those who have hypothyroidism.

This pose is very beneficial for reducing belly fat. This pose gradually and steadily tones the muscles in the shoulder, abdomen, and chest area, reduces lower back stiffness, and strengthens the arms and shoulders.

Chaturanga Dandasana Or Plank Pose

Method: It is one of the 12 challenging yoga poses that make up a Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation. It is also called plank; plank is one exercise that can be done during Yoga and at the gym as well. To strengthen the abdominal region, try to hold for as long as possible or at least 50 to 60 seconds.

Benefits: It is one of the best yoga poses for weight loss because it uses a remarkable amount of body muscles. Additionally, this pose helps to align the entire body and strengthens the muscles that surround the spine. It also plays a part in enhancing your body’s stability, posture, and core strength. To get rid of belly fat, practice this yoga pose. Along with toning the abdomen region, it also strengthens the arms and wrists. It takes a lot of arm strength to perform this asana because it is a little challenging.

Tadasana Or Mountain Pose

Method: While inhaling deeply, raise both of your arms by interlocking your fingers while keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground. Observe the pressure as your body stretches from your toes to your fingers by standing on your toes while simultaneously lifting your heels.

Long-lasting deep breathing should be used to maintain this posture. Once you’ve had some time to unwind, release the tension and return to your starting position while breathing deeply (exhale). Then, repeat the pose as often as you like.

Yoga After C-section: Recommended Poses

Benefits: Tadasana is a deep breathing exercise that strengthens the vertebral column, the heart, and the lungs. It also increases height and develops and activates the nerves throughout the entire body. In addition, it helps women regulate their menstrual cycles, treats indigestion in all practitioners, strengthens the arms and legs, combats lethargy, and lessens the issue of flat feet.

It is very effective for weight loss after a C-section delivery because it helps with posture, blood flow, and body control while strengthening and toning the entire body.

Boat Pose

Method: Your legs should be straight out in front of you as you sit on the ground. Lean back slightly while bending your knees and maintaining a straight spine. Place your hands beside your hips. Once you’ve taken a deep breath, lift both legs up and extend your hands forward. Lengthen your spine by keeping your toes at eye level. After five to ten seconds, release the pose.

Benefits: Yoga’s boat pose, or naukasana, can help you overcome many bodily problems in addition to relieving stress. The hip joints and legs are made stronger and more flexible, the abdominal organs are stimulated, digestion is improved, and the body’s stability is increased. It also helps to strengthen the core and hip flexors.

Naukasana strengthens the abdominal muscles while regulating blood flow at sugar levels. It strengthens the muscles in the arms, thighs, and shoulders as well as the health of the liver, pancreas, and kidneys, among other abdominal organs.


Yoga can benefit those who have had a C-section by enhancing flexibility, strength, and general health. Before beginning any new exercise program, especially after delivery, it’s crucial to speak with a healthcare professional or certified yoga instructor. You can try the yoga poses listed above after receiving permission from your doctor.


How Soon Can I Start Yoga After C-section?

Preferably, women should start yoga after 8 to 10 weeks of having their baby. Remember, it is always best to speak with your doctor before beginning any weight loss, yoga, or exercises and to give your body enough time to heal.”

Which Work Should Avoid After C-section?

You can recover from your c-section by doing gentle exercises, like walking. However, hold off on doing anything more strenuous until you are pain-free and feel prepared. For example, avoid driving, carrying anything heavy, having sex or doing heavy housework, such as vacuuming, until you feel able to.

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