Wisdom Teeth Function—the Newest Explanation in 2023

Wisdom Teeth Function—the Newest Explanation in 2023

If you have ever experienced wisdom tooth pain, you know that it is one of the most unbearable pains ever. You can only take a breather after having your wisdom teeth surgically removed, so what do wisdom teeth do?

The last set of molars, or wisdom teeth, were given to our ancestors to aid them in chewing tough, coarse foods like hard foods like nuts, roots, meat, and leaves. These teeth are no longer necessary, and you don’t need to be an anthropologist to understand that. Nowadays, we have softer foods and contemporary utensils like knives, forks, and spoons.

Wisdom teeth are categorized by evolutionary biologists as degenerate organs, which is another term for organs that have undergone evolution and become ineffective.

What wisdom teeth are, whether everyone has them, and when to have them extracted are all covered in the article.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Your wisdom teeth are the final set of adult teeth to erupt. Also called “third molars,” your wisdom teeth are located in the very back of your mouth.

Sometimes wisdom teeth erupt normally and are completely trouble-free. However, wisdom teeth frequently become partially or totally impaction-trapped in your gums or jawbone. Infection, cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems can result when this occurs. The removal of your wisdom teeth is therefore advised by many medical professionals.

Why Some People Don’t Have Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are not universal. About 53% of people, according to one study, have at least one wisdom tooth. And some individuals never even begin to grow wisdom teeth.

A dental X-ray can reveal whether you have third molars. Not having any wisdom teeth might come as a surprise, and you might think there’s something wrong with your oral health. But in actuality, not having these molars is completely acceptable.

Wisdom Teeth Function—the Newest Explanation in 2023

According to the Dental Research Journal Trusted Source, it’s estimated that anywhere from 5 to 37 percent of people are missing one or more of their third molars. Although the cause is unknown, genetics may play a role. You might not have wisdom teeth if one of your parents doesn’t. Environment, diet, and chewing function are additional variables that may affect the absence of wisdom teeth.

But keep in mind that just because you can’t see your wisdom teeth doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The gums can enclose wisdom teeth, which can lead to impacted or stuck situations. They don’t fully emerge as a result.

An impacted tooth can be found on a dental X-ray even if you can’t see your wisdom teeth. Your dentist may recommend the removal of the tooth to avoid gum infections and pain. Or, your dentist may monitor your teeth and only remove impacted wisdom teeth if it starts to cause problems.

The Purpose of Wisdom Teeth: Provided Extra Teeth for Chewing

Because the mouth only has room for 28 teeth most of the time, wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure. There could be an overcrowding issue if all four of your wisdom teeth erupt, producing 32 teeth.

What are wisdom teeth used for since the mouth only has room for about 28 teeth?

One belief is that wisdom teeth served as replacement teeth for our distant ancestors. The majority of people today maintain good oral hygiene, and we consume soft or tender foods. Both elements lessen the possibility of tooth loss.

Our ancestors may have experienced gum and teeth issues like tooth decay or tooth loss because they consumed a variety of foods—some of which may not have been as soft—and did not schedule routine dental visits. If so, wisdom teeth possibly provided extra teeth for chewing.

In modern society, wisdom teeth are rarely useful and frequently worsen the situation.

The Right Time to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Cases in Which Wisdom Teeth Extraction is Not Necessary

Wisdom teeth — the third molars in the very back of your mouth — may not need to be removed if they are:


Grown in Completely (fully Erupted)

Positioned Correctly and Biting Properly With Their Opposing Teeth

Able to Be Cleaned as Part of Daily Hygiene Practices

Cases in Which Wisdom Teeth Extraction is Necessary

However, wisdom teeth frequently lack sufficient space to develop normally and can lead to issues. In the jaw, erupting wisdom teeth can develop at different angles, sometimes even horizontally. Problems can include wisdom teeth that:

  • Remain completely hidden within the gums. Wisdom teeth become trapped (impacted) in your jaw if they can’t come out normally. This can occasionally lead to infection or even a cyst that harms the support of the bone or the roots of other teeth.
  • partially push through the gums to emerge. Because this area is hard to see and clean, wisdom teeth that partially emerge create a passageway that can become a magnet for bacteria that cause gum disease and oral infection.
  • Crowd nearby teeth. If wisdom teeth don’t have enough room to come in properly, they may crowd or damage nearby teeth.

Some dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth if they don’t fully emerge. When the roots and bone have not fully developed and recovery from surgery is typically quicker, many dentists feel it is better to remove wisdom teeth when the patient is younger. To avoid problems down the road, some young adults choose to have their wisdom teeth removed.

Wisdom Teeth Function—the Newest Explanation in 2023

According to the American Dental Association, wisdom teeth removal may be necessary if you experience changes in the area of those teeth, such as:


Repeated Infection of Soft Tissue Behind the Lower Last Tooth

Fluid-filled Sacs (cysts)


Damage to Nearby Teeth

Gum Disease

Extensive Tooth Decay

It is not always easy to decide whether to remove wisdom teeth. Discuss the location, health, and best course of action for your situation with your dentist or an oral surgeon.


Some individuals eventually grow wisdom teeth that function similarly to the rest of their teeth and may not require extraction. According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, wisdom teeth need to be removed more than 85% of the time, and it is difficult to predict when problems with them will arise.

Some people lack wisdom teeth. So you can avoid having these teeth extracted if you are fortunate enough to lack a third molar. Even if your wisdom teeth aren’t bothering you, keep your regular dental appointments every six months. Your dentist will keep a close eye on these emerging teeth and then recommend extraction when appropriate.


What Does the Start of Wisdom Teeth Feel Like?

Even if your wisdom teeth emerge through your gums normally, they can cause you to feel various mild symptoms. You might experience some mild pain, the feeling of pressure in your mouth or jaw, or a dull throbbing sensation in your gums, close to the opening of your throat or in your jaw bone which is nearby.

What Age Do Females Get Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth typically appear between 17-24 years of age, with some people developing them earlier or later. There is nothing unusual about it, regardless of whether they mature earlier or later. These teeth develop for the straightforward purpose of completing the 32 teeth that every adult should have.

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