Will Fruit Make You Fat? Sometimes

Will Fruit Make You Fat? Sometimes

When it comes to controlling sugar habits or reducing carbohydrate intake, most dieters end up asking the same question, “What about fruit?”

Since fruit contains a lot of sugar, Americans consume too much of it overall. The average adult consumes three times as much daily as the 130 grams of carbohydrates that are recommended. In fact, the USDA estimates that Americans consume 131 pounds of added sugar annually, which has a significant negative impact on metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease as well as weight gain and obesity.
A metabolic study found that participants who consumed 20 servings of fruit per day for two weeks did not experience any negative effects on their weight, blood pressure, or triglyceride levels. They did, however, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels by 38 points.

Do you become fat if you eat fruit? You can learn the solution from this article.

Will Fruit Make You Fat? It is Related to the Type of Sugar.

Glucose and Fructose

Let’s start with glucose and fructose to comprehend how sugar impacts the body. They are monosaccharides, which means they’re the simplest, most basic units of carbohydrates. Every living thing requires glucose. It serves as the body’s preferred energy source. Our bodies make glucose from proteins and fats even if we don’t eat it. On the other hand, the body is unable to produce fructose. When we eat fructose, most of it gets metabolized by the liver. Another type of sugar that is present naturally in most fruits and vegetables is fructose. However, fructose is frequently extracted and added to processed foods by food manufacturers as a sweetener.

Will Fruit Make You Fat? Sometimes

Fruit is Your Friend

Fructose is found in fruit. We just discussed a few causes for why consuming too much fructose can be bad for your body. Additionally, the amount of sugar in fruit can be a little alarming. Just consider these nutrition facts:

  • 1 medium apple contains 19 grams of sugar
  • 1 medium banana contains 14 grams of sugar
  • 1 serving of watermelon contains 17 grams of sugar
  • 1 medium pear contains 17 grams of sugar
  • 1 cup of pineapple contains 16 grams of sugar

However, the body processes the sugar in fruit differently than it does, say, the sugar in Oreos. That is to say, all sugar is not created equal. Fruit contains a variety of healthy nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, so eating fruit isn’t just about consuming sugar.

Fiber, particularly soluble fiber, is excellent at slowing down the body’s absorption of sugars. This is particularly well-served by the fiber present in many raw foods, including apples. The fruit has a distinctive property in that the sugar is stored in cells along with the fiber. That built-in fiber means it takes more time for the digestive tract to break down the sugar.

Fruit Eaters Tend to Weigh Less

Simple sugars like glucose, fructose, sucrose, and others can be found in large quantities in fruits. These same sugars have also been known to cause obesity. But claiming that fruits cause obesity is false. Fruit actually has anti-obesity properties, which may seem contradictory.

So choose a juicy peach, a crisp apple, or a handful of fresh blueberries instead of a cookie. When eaten whole (rather than dried), most fruits have fewer calories than baked goods and can be just as filling.

The Sugar Content is Small by Comparison

According to the table below, you can see the sugar content in different snacks or fruits (such as strawberries). As you can see, fruits have much less sugar than other snacks.

One cup of whole strawberries7 grams sugar
One tablespoon of maple syrup13 grams sugar
One tablespoon of honey17 grams sugar
17 gummy bears21 grams sugar
12-ounce can of soda30 grams sugar

Which Fruits Will Make You Fat?-Dried Fruit

Dried fruits are fruits that have had nearly all of their water content removed through various drying methods.

What’s left is a small but incredibly nutrient-dense, high-energy snack. Dried fruit can be more convenient and less likely to spoil than fresh fruit while providing a comparable amount of micronutrients.

Dried fruits are great for weight gainers because they are packed with energy. They do contain a lot of natural sugars, though, so it’s best to eat them along with a source of protein or healthy fat to help reduce any potential negative effects on your blood sugar.

Despite having a lot of fiber, dried fruit’s high sugar content can make you gain weight. Fruit that is fresher is preferable. In fresh fruit, a high water content coexists with a high fiber content. You’ll feel full more quickly thanks to both of these elements, which means you’ll eat fewer calories overall.

Here are some dried fruits that are high in calories and will make you fat.

Will Fruit Make You Fat? Sometimes

Dried Figs

Figs are a favorite fruit with a mildly sweet flavor that can be eaten both fresh and dried.

Dried figs are delicious on their own or when used as a garnish on salads, yogurt, or oats. They also pair well with cheese and crackers.

Some people prefer boiling dried figs in water for up to 10 minutes to soften them.


Prunes have also long been used to treat constipation. Their fiber content can help your stool gain bulk and move through your digestive tract more quickly.

Prunes have a long shelf life, are simple to incorporate into your diet, and can help you gain weight in a healthy way. You can enjoy them in your preferred salads, smoothies, and baked goods in addition to their delicious flavor on their own.


Sultanas are a similar variety of dried grape to raisins.

However, they are primarily made from Thompson Seedless green seedless grapes. In the United States, sultanas are often called “golden raisins” due to their lighter color.

Sultanas are an easy way to up your calorie intake because they can be consumed similarly to raisins. Eat them on their own or with nuts, yogurt, cheese, or salads.


Therefore, eating fresh fruit generally won’t make you gain weight, but eating dried fruit with a high sugar content will. We don’t recommend eating a lot of fruit just to avoid gaining weight, of course. You are aware that eating excessive amounts of something is bad for your health.

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