Why is My Stomach Getting Bigger After Miscarriage? How to Recovery?

Why is My Stomach Getting Bigger After Miscarriage? How to Recovery?

The discomfort of the postpartum period can feel overwhelming when you’re grieving a miscarriage, especially since these physical changes aren’t often talked about. As Megan Gray, M.D., OB-GYN, of Orlando Health Physician Associates, says, “The symptoms of a miscarriage may get worse as they go on longer.”

Stretch marks, bloating, vaginal pain, hair loss, and breast changes may also occur in addition to weight gain and weight loss.

It is typical for a woman to have a larger stomach following a miscarriage. Many hormonal changes that take place in a woman’s body are the reason for this. A condition known as hypothyroidism can result from fluctuating hormones, which can have a significant impact on a woman’s weight and metabolism. In order to meet their bodies’ nutritional requirements after a miscarriage, these women also start eating a high-calorie diet, which can result in an unwelcome bigger stomach. Stress and inactivity are additional common triggers. Women’s stomachs may enlarge as a result of some medications.

In this article, you will see the reasons and explanations for why your abdomen gets bigger after a miscarriage.

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What Happens to Your Body After Miscarriage?

Miscarriages are painful on an emotional and physical level. A woman’s body undergoes a rollercoaster of hormonal changes which adversely affect her health condition of the woman. The body reflects several unwanted signs and symptoms which can be concerning at times.

  • Post a miscarriage, the woman is likely to face pain in the lower abdomen which can last up to 2 days. Back pain and joint pain are two additional possible symptoms.
  • The woman may even experience breast pain, milk leakage, or even enlargement. These symptoms may persist for a week or so. To relieve this discomfort, mothers must use supportive bras and ice packs.
  • The hormonal changes in the body even disturb the normal cycle of periods. Your periods might take a month or so to return to normal.
  • For up to a week after the miscarriage, the mother may experience light vaginal bleeding or spotting. The woman must visit her doctor if the bleeding is deep red or uncontrollable.
  • The mother can even experience unnecessary fatigue and tiredness, along with mood swings. It’s possible that the woman’s energy levels will change.
Why is My Stomach Getting Bigger After Miscarriage? How to Recovery?

Why is My Stomach Getting Bigger After Miscarriage?

Your stomach enlarges after a miscarriage for a variety of reasons.

Hormonal Changes

Based on how far along you were and how your hormones adjusted during your pregnancy, the hormonal changes that take place after a miscarriage really depend on how far along you were. These are some of the major hormones at play, how they change during pregnancy, and what effect they have on your body, Dr. Tolentino explains.


Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, is the hormone pregnancy tests look for in your urine to determine whether or not you’re pregnant. This hormone is produced by cells that will eventually form the placenta and stimulate the corpus luteum—a collection of hormone-producing cells that form in the ovaries—to produce progesterone. Early pregnancy is characterized by a rapid rise in hCG levels, which rise every two to three days and are likely a factor in many of the unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting.


Estrogen and progesterone are two of the most prominent hormones during early pregnancy. As the fetus develops during the first trimester, estrogen levels quickly increase to support nutrient transfer, blood vessel development, milk duct development, and other processes.


Early on in pregnancy, progesterone levels rise rapidly, causing ligaments and joints to loosen and eventually allowing the uterus to grow larger as the fetus grows. Progesterone prepares the uterine lining for implantation, beginning with its production in the ovaries and placenta, and then continues to support the endometrium to create the ideal environment for the fetus.

The reports that women who have had a late-term miscarriage sometimes feel kicking or cramps in their stomachs as well as a larger one are even more heartbreaking. These feelings can be caused by a variety of factors, with hormones and emotions being major contributors.

High-calorie Foods

Women occasionally overindulge in alcohol and other unhealthy foods after a miscarriage to help them cope with their grief. Your post-miscarriage diet should exclude all junk food, including pizza, burgers, and French fries. But in order to express their emotions, women consistently choose sacred calories that don’t offer the body any necessary nutrients. Although it may make you feel full, these foods do not aid in the recovery process following an abortion or miscarriage.
Yes, sugar does make people happy. Along with junk food, some women find comfort in sugary foods like donuts, chocolate, and classic candies after a miscarriage. A woman’s blood sugar levels may be stimulated by these foods, which may lead to a number of issues. Variations in these levels can also hinder the healing process and make the stomach bigger.

High Pressure

The emotional cost for those who have had a miscarriage can sometimes outweigh the physical changes. “Patients often are less prepared for the emotional journey than the physical one,” says Board-certified OB-GYN Danielle Jones, M.D., also known as Mama Doctor Jones on social media. “Some people have a very emotional journey that is full of grief and sadness, others can feel relieved or confused.”

No matter where in the pregnancy it occurs, a loss is an emotional experience, according to Dr. Gray, who also notes that the hormonal change may exacerbate symptoms. “The levels of estrogen and progesterone drop quickly after a miscarriage. The hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) level will slowly drop to zero over a few weeks—depending on how far along the pregnancy was at the time of loss,” says Dr. Gray.

Why is My Stomach Getting Bigger After Miscarriage? How to Recovery?

And every emotion is valid. “The most important part of the emotional journey after pregnancy loss is to normalize that any range of feelings can be normal and that there is no guilt in pregnancy loss—there’s nothing you could have done better or worse,” says Dr. Jones.

How to Recover a Bigger Stomach After a Miscarriage?

Despite how upsetting a miscarriage is, it’s important to stop mourning your lost child. For a better future for yourself and your family, it is crucial to move past your past. The following tips can help deal with the loss in a much more effective way, shares Dr. Rita:

  • Try to get back to your regular routine as soon as you can. You will be diverted and kept busy by it.
  • Never be afraid to seek out expert assistance if you find yourself unable to handle things on your own. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance; it might work well for you.
  • Spend time with the people you love because it will help you grow both physically and emotionally. Also, vent out your feelings as it shall make you feel better and lighter
  • If you feel like it, take a trip because it will help you get over your loss. This shall even emotional distress you and elevate your mood
  • Let this miscarriage not affect your relationship. Together, enjoy your happy moments.
  • Enjoy nutritious foods like citrus fruits and green vegetables. Additionally, keep hydrated by consuming two to three liters of water per day or more.

Final Thoughts

Abortion recovery is a personal experience for each person. The body requires time to rebalance and recalibrate, just like when we experience other biological changes. “The best way to get back to normal is to take your time and take care of yourself,” explains Dr. Tolentino. Don’t be afraid to ask for support. More people than you realize have experienced similar circumstances or know someone who has and can serve as your needed sounding board for empathy, whether it’s with a health coach, a loved one, or a friend.

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