What to Eat before Labor to Avoid Pooping: 10 Alternatives

What to Eat before Labor to Avoid Pooping: 10 Alternatives

Want to avoid going potty while giving birth? It requires more effort than ever, and during your delivery, your nurse will probably encourage you to exert that effort.

It’s normal for the body to react in particular ways to such intense activity. Many mothers actually push so hard during labor that they pass gas. This is normal and nothing to be ashamed of, but there are many techniques you can use if you want to avoid this during labor and delivery.

While it doesn’t matter if you run into unexpected surprises when trying to bring life into the world, there are a number of ways to avoid it. Read on to learn what you can eat before giving birth in hopes of avoiding a bowel movement during labor …… Maybe they’ll work.

Related: Exercise to Induce Labor: You Can Do at Home – Tips for Health Care

Why Do People Poop When They Give Birth?

Unfortunately, many people poop when they give birth. I apologize for the somewhat unfavorable news. There are many reasons why it occurs. Keep in mind that it’s entirely normal and natural—that’s the key.

All that matters when you’re in the middle of childbirth is what your body needs to do to bring that baby into the world. Plus, just as the classic children’s book “Everyone Poops” reminds us, you’re not alone in this bodily function. A few factors come into play during labor that might encourage a sudden bowel movement.


Your medical staff may advise you to push as though you’re going to the bathroom. Because both activities use the exact same muscles (the intercostal and abdominal muscles), they use a physical analogy. So it makes perfect sense that a little poop might also come out while you’re pushing ferociously. If you still have some loose stool at the end of your colon, a stool slip is particularly likely.


Once more, a not-so-flattering side effect of those annoying pregnancy hormones bites you in the behind.

While prostaglandins help ripen the cervix in preparation for labor, they can also cause your muscles to contract and relax. This may lead to pre-labor diarrhea, mid-labor poop, or perhaps both.

What to Eat before Labor to Avoid Pooping: 10 Alternatives


Right before and during labor, your baby is positioned low, and certain positions can put pressure on your colon and sacral nerve, giving you the very real and intense feeling that a bowel movement is about to happen. In truth, it may even feel like your bottom is about to burst.

What to Eat before Labor to Avoid Pooping?

Eat More Dietary Fiber

During your pregnancy, it is wise to increase your fiber intake. Fiber helps to keep you regular and lowers your risk of developing constipation. Adding fiber-rich foods to your diet gradually is a good idea. If you increase your intake too quickly, this may result in discomfort and bloating.

Some food options are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The following foods are very high in fiber: lentils, broccoli, bananas, and almonds. You will not only maintain regular bowel movements, but you will also reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure while you are pregnant.

It is advised that you gradually increase your daily fiber intake to between 25 and 30 grams. To make sure you are meeting your nutritional needs, supplements can also be taken.

Simple Diet

Make sure you’re eating things you can easily digest on the day of your delivery. A lighter meal will make for a more comfortable delivery experience, despite the temptation to give in to your cravings.

Even if you are starving, pre-labor is probably not the best time to load up on red meat such as steaks and burgers. Instead, choose soups, smoothies, and foods high in easily digestible protein. You will be able to reward yourself with a larger, hearty meal after the delivery.

Protein Smoothies

You can quickly satisfy your nutritional needs and stay hydrated by sipping on a protein-rich smoothie. Protein powders, whether whey or plant-based, can be purchased online or at your neighborhood grocery store and are excellent to keep on hand.

Control the Intake of Iron

Make sure to record how much iron you are getting if you are taking any supplements. Your intake of iron may be contributing to constipation or other bowel movement issues, which could have an impact on the timing of your delivery.

If you still need to maintain your levels, look into more natural ways to receive iron or consider taking “non-synthetic” iron. Your body can increase the volume of your blood by up to 50% while you are pregnant.

If you are not properly nourished, this could make you feel weak, fatigued, or both. You’ll feel your best throughout your pregnancy if you make sure you get the right amount of iron.

Colorful Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables that have been left uncooked have a great flavor and are also very nutritious. Vitamin A is found in orange, while green contains vitamin K. Each color also contains a different nutrient. You can get ready for early labor hunger by pre-slicing fruits and vegetables like apples, bell peppers, carrots, and berries.

What Should Not Eat before Labor to Avoid Pooping?

Contrarily, there are some foods that you should stay away from while giving birth. These foods may not sit well in your stomach while your body works hard to deliver a baby. As opposed to heavy or fat-dense meals, try to focus on light, whole-food snacks.

What to Eat before Labor to Avoid Pooping: 10 Alternatives

Spare the Sauce

Sauces and condiments are often full of dense fats and oils. These can hinder our digestion and make work more difficult. If using sauces or condiments, look for ones with little to no fat listed on the nutrition label.

Leave the Leftovers

Large portions of nutritionally unbalanced leftover food are possible. Inconvenience during labor may result from this combination’s slower transit through your digestive system. Prepare simple-to-digest snacks and meals instead, and keep them on hand in case of early labor.

Unfamiliar Foods

If we are unaware that we are intolerant to certain foods, they can cause bloating, skin reactions, and other reactions. To avoid further digestive problems, stay away from trying new foods while in the early stages of labor.

Keep an eye on your diet to avoid eating any leftovers or strange foods that might cause you to pass out while giving birth.

Final Thoughts

You can use other techniques, such as induction of labor, in addition to some of the above-mentioned methods and diets. Of course, the best thing to do is to ignore it. Most women poop during labor, and your medical caregivers will be quite accustomed to it happening. They will remove it discreetly because they are extremely careful. Mothers frequently aren’t even aware of their poopy state.


What Can I Drink to Start Labor?

One and a half ounces (29.57–59.14 mL) of castor oil stimulates prostaglandin release, which can help ripen the cervix and initiate labor. It is advised that this be carried out under the direction of a midwife or physician. Don’t drink too much, people should be careful.

What is the Fastest Way to Open Cervix?

Getting up and moving around may help speed dilation by increasing blood flow. Moving around the room, making small adjustments in a chair or bed, or even changing positions, may promote dilation. This is because the baby’s weight puts pressure on the cervix.

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