Teeth Gap: Causes & How to Close

Teeth Gap: Causes & How to Close

Does your child or you have a smile flaw? There are numerous causes of tooth gaps. All of the teeth could be affected by these gaps, or just two. They may be narrow and barely noticeable, or they may be as wide as missing teeth.
While crooked teeth can make you look bad, they aren’t always bad for your health. Your dentist or orthodontist can discuss treatment options with you if you want to change the way you smile and can let you know if there are any indications of additional issues. Here you will get the solution for the teeth gap

What Causes Teeth Gap?

Diastemas are the term used by dentists and orthodontists to describe spaces between teeth. Your dentist will work to determine all potential causes of this condition so that the most effective treatments can be planned.

The most common reasons for gaps between teeth are:

Gum Disease

Bacteria that irritate or infect the gums and cause inflammation are the cause of gum disease. Gum disease can cause red, swollen, and itchy gums in their early stages (gingivitis), but more advanced cases (periodontitis) can leave gaps in the teeth and permanently harm the gums and tissues that support them. Gum disease is one of the reasons for teeth gaps.

Missing Teeth

A gap can also be left by one or more missing teeth, which may be lost naturally in childhood or due to a dental disease or injury. Wider gaps should be filled in immediately because they can affect the alignment of nearby teeth and make it difficult to eat or speak.

Low Fraenum

The skin fold above the front teeth that joins the upper lip and gum is known as the labial fraenum. If it is positioned lower than it should be, it may push the teeth apart and create a gap. The lingual fraenum on the lower gum can prevent the tongue from moving freely, which can result in a tongue tie that pulls the lower teeth apart. Low fraenum also one of the main reasons for teeth gaps.

New Teeth

It’s perfectly normal for children’s teeth to have gaps when they first come through. Both primary (milk teeth) and permanent (adult) teeth may be impacted by this, but the upper front teeth are often where it is most noticeable.

Teeth gaps help to maintain space in the jaw for the permanent teeth that come along to replace them. Once the canine teeth have emerged, spaces between permanent incisors usually close on their own.

Missing Teeth

One or more missing teeth may also leave a gap; these teeth may have fallen out as a result of a dental condition or injury, or they may have fallen out naturally when a child. The alignment of the teeth on either side of these wider gaps may be impacted, and they may also make eating and speaking more challenging.

How to Close Teeth Gap?

Your teeth may be spaced apart. Many people would prefer their teeth to be evenly spaced and shaped, but some people, like celebrities David Letterman and Lara Stone, have chosen to keep the gaps between their teeth. Here are some methods that are frequently used.

Teeth Gap: What Causes& How to Close


Braces are the best solution to close wide teeth gaps, especially if other issues like teeth alignment issues and bite issues (e.g. a crossbite). Braces will work well if the teeth’s size, color, and shape are appropriate. If, however, the desired shape, color, or size is not available, additional cosmetic procedures (i.e. veneers) may be necessary afterward. This can increase the cost of the treatment. Wearing braces also need some patience, as it typically takes 12–18 months to see the results. Utilizing clear retainers may also be an option for closing the gap.

Tooth Bonding

Dental bonding is a good alternative to wearing braces. Your best option if you have small teeth gaps or want a quick fix is to use composite bonding to fill small teeth gaps or to repair gapped teeth. This straightforward cosmetic dental procedure involves covering the tooth with a localized space in a tooth-colored composite resin. A unique light is then used to harden the bonding. Once the resin has dried and become hard, the dentist will trim and polish it to match the other tooth surfaces. Dental bonding can typically be completed in just one or two visits to the dentist.

Teeth Gap Bands

An elastic band is fitted around the teeth and used to close the gap. One of the most cost-effective ways to do this is to use it to close the gap. You must wear the bracelet for at least 12 hours each day in order to benefit from it. You can quickly achieve the look you want by wearing them frequently. The size of the gap also affects how long the treatment will take.

Replacing Missing Teeth

Your smile, oral health, and general health and well-being may all be impacted if you have a teeth gap left by one or more missing teeth. You can eat, speak, and brush normally once the gap is filled by a dentist with an artificial tooth that looks natural. Dentists provide a variety of tooth replacement procedures, with options to fit various budgets and preferences. These include:

  • Dental implant
  • Dental bridge
  • Partial dentures

Dental Veneers

Veneers are thin, teeth-colored shells made of porcelain or other composite materials that go over the outside of the teeth. Porcelain can only be attached to the teeth after a small amount of enamel has been removed. There are several types of porcelain veneers, some as thin as a contact lens, that can transform your smile and cover stains, chips or misaligned teeth. Unlike crowns, veneers usually require less tooth preparation and removal of natural tooth structure.

How to Prevent Teeth Gap?

Some teeth gaps are unavoidable, but others can be avoided by breaking bad habits, practicing good oral hygiene, and taking precautions like wearing a sports mouthguard to reduce your risk of severe dental trauma.

Your child’s dentist can also offer advice about how to stop thumb-sucking or tongue-thrusting. Good brushing and flossing, a healthy diet and regular dental check-ups can help to keep gum disease and other problems at bay.


Do Teeth Gap Get Bigger With Age?

In a healthy mouth, diastema shouldn’t increase with age. If you notice the gap between your teeth is getting wider, call your dentist, as it could be due to gum disease.

How Long Braces Take to Close Teeth Gap?

Traditional braces may take between six and eight months to close the gaps. However, not all cases are the same. The duration of the treatment is determined by several factors, including the position and condition of your teeth.

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