Nursery Purified Water: Is It Good for the Baby?

Nursery Purified Water: Is It Good for the Baby?

You may have heard as a new parent to make infant formula with baby water, distilled water, or purified water. This is accurate, but the American Academy of Pediatrics advises using purified water for infant formula. Before mixing the water with infant formula, they advise boiling the water for 5 minutes and letting it cool.

Consider using distilled water or nursery purified water if your purified water does not have any contaminants in it. In this article, we’ll go over the advantages and disadvantages of each choice.

What is Nursery Purified Water?

A brand of bottled water for infants and babies is called Nursery purified water. Magnesium, potassium, calcium, and, depending on the product, fluoride are all present in trace amounts in this distilled water.

Nursery purified water is treated in four stages:

  • The water is processed through an activated carbon filter to separate volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chlorine, and other organic parts from the water
  • It is then distilled to remove contaminants
  • Next, the water is ozonated to eliminate all the leftover bacteria and viruses
  • It is then pushed through a 1-micron filter to eliminate the remaining bacteria and cysts

There are two types of Nursery purified water on the market:

  • Non-Fluoridated Nursery Distilled Water: distilled water that has calcium, potassium, and magnesium added in trace amounts for flavor.
  • Fluoridated nursery purified water: water that has been distilled, added calcium, magnesium, and fluoride (0.7 ppm each) for flavor.

Both products are distilled water but if you’re concerned about excess fluoride consumption, we recommend that you go with the non-fluoridated option.

Nursery Purified Water: Is It Good for the Baby?

One with fluoride and one without fluoride are the two products that Nursery Purified Water sells. The differences between them in relation to distilled water are described in the sections that follow.

What Are the Concerns With Nursery Purified Water?

The main concern with nursery purified water is that they add fluoride to the water. In numerous online forums, parents lament this fact and discuss how, as a result, they no longer use nursery purified water.

So what exactly is wrong with drinking fluoridated water?

When it was discovered that fluoride, when applied topically (i.e. on top or on the exterior) to the tooth, helps prevent decay, the practice of public water fluoridation was started in the US in the 1950s to improve the dental health of the general population.

Many nations, including those where I currently reside in India and the majority of European countries, do not fluoridate their drinking water because there is no longer a need for it given the higher standards of oral care in today’s society.

To be safe, you should consult your baby’s doctor about the recommended fluoride intake for your child since fluoridation of public water is still a thing in the US. This is because excess fluoride can cause:

  • Enamel streaking- permanent discoloration of the teeth
  • Skeletal fluorosis– brittle bones as excess fluoride get deposited in the teeth and bones

Nursery Purified Water: is It Good for the Baby?

We advise using distilled water on occasion because tap water lacks the minerals and electrolytes needed for infant health. Because nursery purified water is essentially distilled water with additional minerals, it is a better option. The optimal level of fluoride advised by the U.S. is found in fluoridated nursery purified water, which has 0.7 ppm of fluoride. Department of Health.

Because of the additional minerals, nursery purified water—both fluoridated and non-fluoridated—should theoretically be preferred to distilled water. Before using either one in infant formula, it is best to speak with your pediatrician.

I discovered after looking through their website that they provide two types of water: one with and one without added fluoride. Therefore, if you’re worried about your baby’s exposure to fluoride, just buy the non-fluoridated version.

The great thing about Nursery water? It costs 1-2 dollars and is offered by the majority of neighborhood supermarkets in the US. I won’t link to Amazon for this one because it’s probably one of the very few items that are less expensive in stores than it is online.

Nursery Purified Water: Is It Good for the Baby?

What About Distilled Water?

What is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is purified water gotten through distillation. In order to remove inorganic substances and particulates, water is heated and vaporized during the distillation process. After cooling the purified vapor, pure water is obtained.

However, 99.9% of the beneficial minerals, including sodium, calcium, and magnesium, are lost during the process of distillation, which is still very effective at purifying water. After six months of exclusive breastfeeding, the water can still be used to make baby formula, but the lack of minerals may result in your baby’s developing mineral deficiencies and electrolyte imbalances.

Nursery Water Or Distilled Water?

As I mentioned earlier, you should first speak with a doctor about your child’s fluoride intake before moving forward. When comparing nursery water and distilled water, both are safe for babies, but you should probably choose nursery water because distillation is so inconvenient.

These are only temporary solutions, though. Therefore, I would argue that investing in a water filter for your home makes more sense than continually purchasing bottled or nursery water. The three main methods through which you can get baby-safe water at home are:

  1. Reverse Osmosis(RO) filters
  2. Ion Exchange Water Purifiers
  3. Water Distillation


Babies can be given distilled water or nursery-purified water. You can choose nursery purified water without fluoride if you are concerned about fluoride in nursery purified water. You might be curious about the following queries.


How Much Water Should I Give My Baby?

This would depend on your child’s overall health, age, weight, level of activity, climate, and whether or not he has begun eating solid foods.

Generally speaking, give the following amounts to healthy infants and kids…

  • Under 1 month: DO NOT give water, unless instructed to do so by your healthcare provider.
  • 2 – 6 months: Additional water is not necessary, except for the reasons mentioned in point 2 above. Limit* water to only 1 oz (30ml) at a time. Give no more than 4 ounces each day.
  • 6 – 12 months: In hot weather, give 2 oz (60 ml) more frequently than twice daily.
  • Allow your child to drink as much water as he wants if he is over the age of one year. Make sure it is readily available to him.

How Can I Tell If My Child is Getting Enough Water?

If your child is healthy and thriving (i.e. gaining enough weight for his age) and he also has 5 or more wet diapers each day.

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