Is Lemongrass Safe for Dogs? Things To Know

Is Lemongrass Safe for Dogs? Things To Know

How much lemongrass can your dog eat? What to do if you believe your dog has been poisoned with lemongrass? In this post, we’ll respond to these queries.

Lemongrass poisoning is rare in canines. Is lemongrass safe for dogs? lemongrass is a toxic plant for dogs if the animal ingests it in large amounts.

Learn how to recognize the symptoms of pet lemongrass poisoning and what to do in an emergency.

What is Lemongrass?

Tall and perennial, lemongrass is a plant that thrives in tropical and subtropical climates in some parts of Asia, Australia, and Africa.

Lemongrass plants can grow as tall as 10 feet during the rainy summer months.

The hard outer husk and the delicate, white inner leaf are two of the many layers that make up a lemongrass plant.

In lemongrass herbs and teas, the inner layer is what is most frequently present.

Is Lemongrass Safe for Dogs?

The cyanogenic glycosides and oils in lemongrass make it toxic to dogs. However, canine lemongrass poisoning is uncommon because it takes a significant amount of the plant to cause serious symptoms in dogs. Since the oil is more concentrated than the plant itself, lemongrass essential oil (which may be found in diffusers, sprays, or body products) is more dangerous. Ingesting lemongrass oil can make your dog sick and make their skin irritated.

If your dog consumes small amounts of lemongrass, mild symptoms like an upset stomach could develop. Pesticides on the plant’s surface are frequently to blame for the symptoms dogs encounter after eating lemongrass. Most dogs won’t eat a lot of lemongrass because they are not herbivores. Growing lemongrass in a garden or backyard that your dog frequently visits might still be generally safe.


Symptoms of Lemongrass Poisoning in Dogs

The cyanogenic glycosides can impair your dog’s ability to breathe in severe lemongrass poisoning cases. If your dog ingests large quantities of lemongrass, observe their behavior for any of these symptoms:

  1. Fever: Your dog may experience a fever within twenty-four hours of taking in a lot of lemongrass. Check their temperature frequently to make sure the fever subsides.
  2. Gastrointestinal issues: As dogs’ digestive systems are not capable of processing large amounts of vegetation, digestive issues are a typical sign of lemongrass poisoning. Vomiting, diarrhea, appetite loss, and an enlarged abdomen are all typical signs of stomach upset. In the event of a severe blockage, your dog’s abdomen may also be sensitive to touch.
  3. Respiratory complications: Canines may experience cerebral hypoxia in severe lemongrass poisoning cases. The cyanogenic glycosides are ingested and then transform into cyanide, a poisonous substance that prevents dogs’ cells from respirating normally. Signs of oxygen deficiency include drooling, vomiting, and muscle spasms

How to Treat Lemongrass Poisoning in Dogs?

As a general rule, if your dog eats lemongrass, talk to your veterinarian about the best course of action. If your furry friend consumes only small quantities and has mild symptoms, consider these pet care remedies for treating lemongrass poisoning:

  • Give your dog water. For dogs who have experienced mild to severe lemongrass poisoning, fluid therapy is frequently used. Intestinal blockage brought on by the lemongrass can be cleared out by giving your dog water.
  • Monitor their behavior. In order to identify your dog’s symptoms, watch how they act over the next twenty-four hours. Appetite loss, fever, vomiting, and a faster breathing rate are a few symptoms to watch for.
  • Seek medical attention. In order to receive supportive care if your dog’s symptoms get worse, call your neighborhood vet or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control center. Your dog may require intravenous or surgical treatment for severe lemongrass poisoning in order to clear the intestinal blockage.

What Other Herbs Are Bad for My Dog?

There are other herbs, besides lemongrass, that might be harmful for pets to consume.

Here are a few to watch out for in your backyard garden.

Garlic, Onions & Chives

Members of the Allium family include garlic, onions, and chives, all of which can be toxic to your furry friends.

They most likely won’t have an impact in small doses, but in large amounts, they can cause severe anemia (low red blood cell levels).

As a result, seek immediate medical attention from a veterinarian if you suspect your dog has consumed a lot of garlic, onions, or chives.

It is best to avoid exposing your dog to Allium plants since they can cause nausea, oral irritation, vomiting, and diarrhea when consumed in small amounts.


Dogs should not be around chamomile plants.

If your dog came into contact with one, it might result in a skin rash, nausea, or even an allergic reaction.

Give your dog a thorough bath and keep a close eye on them if you are worried that they may have come in contact with the plant.

Chamomile is often used in many “natural” products (such as shampoos and supplements).

In general, chamomile in these forms is secure.

It is frequently promoted as a treatment for skin irritability and occasionally administered as a supplement for GI issues.

Prior to empirically treating your dog with any supplement, it’s critical to identify the underlying cause of their problems.

Before giving it to your dog, as with any new supplement, always get their advice.

Tomato Plants

In spite of the fact that tomatoes themselves are not poisonous, the nightshade plant’s family includes the leaves and vines.

Watch out for your dog if they venture near any tomatoes that are growing in your backyard.

If consumed, it may result in a number of symptoms, such as fatigue, drowsiness, a slow heartbeat, and stomach problems with diarrhea.

Most likely, a small nibble on a leaf won’t result in any problems, but ingesting a lot of it could cause the symptoms mentioned above.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are gaining popularity among both people and animals.

The effectiveness and safety of these oils in humans have received very little study, and the same is true for dogs.

Pets should never be exposed to any form of tea tree oil because it is known to be toxic to them.

According to Pet Poison Hotline, “As little as 7 drops of 100% oil has resulted in severe poisoning”.

Direct application of many essential oils can irritate skin.

Additionally, bear in mind that a dog’s sense of smell is 40 times greater than a human’s, so even if something smells good to us but not to a dog, it might be quite unpleasant.

What Herbs Are Good for My Dog?


As a preservative, rosemary is frequently added to dog food as an additive.

Although no conclusive research has either supported or refuted this theory, it has been anecdotally reported that high doses of it can cause seizures.

Rosemary is frequently used for its purported antioxidant properties as well as for GI upset.


Similar to humans, ginger is believed to soothe upset stomachs in small doses.

Small doses of ginger are safe to administer, but before beginning any medications or supplements for your pup’s digestive upset, it’s crucial to identify the underlying cause.

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Why Does My Dog Eat My Lemongrass?

Dogs are attracted to lemongrass because it has a bright and vibrant odor. Your dog is drawn to it by the scent of citrus.

Is Lemongrass Safe for Cats?

Lemongrass isn’t harmful to cats, as long as they nibble in moderation. Lemongrass has the potential to be fatal to your cat when it is made into an essential oil.

Do Cats Like the Smell of Lemongrass?

Cats dislike eucalyptus, lavender, lemongrass, and peppermint – just choose the ones you don’t mind the scent of yourself.

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