How to Sleep With Toothache?-You Will Sleep Well After Knowing This

How to Sleep With Toothache?-You Will Sleep Well After Knowing This

You tuck yourself under the covers, lay on your pillow, and close your eyes after a long day. You do not, however, drift off to sleep peacefully when the toothache starts to throb; instead, you remain awake in bed. There is never a good time to have a toothache, that much is certain. However, a toothache at night is particularly unpleasant! You’re not only hours away from the morning appointment with the emergency dentist, but you also find it difficult to fall asleep. Keep reading for a few tips for sleeping peacefully with a nagging toothache at night.

What Causes a Toothache?

Toothache occurs when the innermost layer of the tooth (dental pulp) becomes inflamed. Nerves and blood vessels that are highly sensitive make up the pulp. A toothache might be caused by the following:

  • Tooth decay
  • Infected gums
  • Tooth fracture
  • A damaged filling
  • Abscessed tooth
  • Repetitive motions, such as grinding teeth or chewing gum
  • Sore or swollen gums around a tooth that’s breaking through – for example, when your wisdom teeth start to come through
  • Sinusitis – which sometimes causes pain around the upper jaw
  • An injury to the joint that attaches the jaw to the skull (temporomandibular joint)
How to Sleep With Toothache?-You Will Sleep Well After Knowing This

Why Toothaches Are Noticeable at Night?

Reason 1: More Blood Flow

Our sleeping position is a major factor in the severity of toothaches at night. Our heads experience a greater blood flow when we are lying down, which puts more pressure on delicate body parts like our mouths. Because we spend most of the day sitting or standing, we don’t experience that throbbing sensation as much.

Reason 2: Late-Night Meals

Some of the food that we eat gets stuck in between our teeth or gums if we had dessert for dinner or a sugary midnight snack. Forgetting to brush your teeth after a late-night meal can exacerbate a toothache because plaque thrives on sugar.

Reason 3: Unconscious Grinding

Unawarely, some people grind their teeth at night. Because teeth grinding puts a lot of strain on the jaws, teeth, and gums, they might awaken from their sleep writhing in excruciating pain. This condition requires expert care and treatment because it can be severe.

Reason4: Our Brain Has Fewer Distractions

We are more conscious of our bodily sensations at night because there are fewer outside distractions. Even though we may believe that our toothache is worse, it actually isn’t; we just notice it more as we try to relax and go to sleep.

How to Sleep With Toothache?

At some point in their lives, everyone is likely to experience dental pain. From a gentle throbbing to a sharp, throbbing stabbing sensation, the pain can vary. It can be very upsetting to have a toothache, no matter how much discomfort it is causing you. It can be awful and unsettling to experience tooth pain at night. After that, follow the advice below to get some rest and relieve your pain.

1. Gently Brush, Floss and Swish With Warm Salt Water

Make sure there isn’t any debris around the tooth that could be causing more pain. Starting on either side of the tooth, gently floss under the gum line. Next, brush the front and back surfaces of the teeth gently while angling the bristles of your toothbrush toward the gumline. To relieve any irritated gum tissue, finish by rinsing with warm salt water for 30 to 60 seconds.

2. Floss

Remember to floss around the sore teeth before going to bed. Getting rid of debris between your teeth can help decrease the pressure that might add to your discomfort. Take the following actions to properly floss your teeth.

Gently clean the contours of your teeth with floss.

Working the floss between your teeth with a sawing or rocking motion will prevent it from snapping and injuring your gums.

3. Use An Over-the-counter Medication

Naproxen, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen are among the over-the-counter painkillers that can lessen the uncomfortable symptoms of a toothache. Although topical numbing gel (benzocaine) can be beneficial, young children under the age of two should never use it.

4. Elevate Your Head

Lying flat facilitates blood flow to the head, which can exacerbate toothache pain and throbbing. To feel more comfortable, try raising your head with a few pillows.

5. Use An Ice Pack

An ice pack can help reduce swelling and stop fluid from accumulating if your dental pain is accompanied by inflammation and tenderness. Take an ice pack and wrap it in a towel before bed to reduce swelling or pain. Once every hour, apply the ice pack for 10 minutes to the swollen area.

How to Sleep With Toothache?-You Will Sleep Well After Knowing This

6. See Your Dentist

Last but not least, remember that even if the pain goes away, it’s crucial to have your tooth examined by an emergency dentist. In order to determine what is causing your pain and discomfort, they might perform an oral examination and take x-rays. They can begin treatment and provide guidance on how to handle any nighttime pain once they’ve determined the issue.

How to Prevent Toothache

Maintaining as much oral health as you can is the best way to avoid toothaches. To do this:

  • have regular dental check-ups
  • brush your teeth twice a day for about 2 minutes with a fluoride toothpaste
  • cut down on sugary foods and drinks – only have them as an occasional treat at mealtimes
  • don’t smoke – it can make some dental problems worse
  • clean between your teeth using floss or an interdental brush every day to remove food, debris and plaque

Make sure you visit the dentist regularly, ideally with the same doctor. Based on your general oral health, your dentist will advise you when to have your next checkup.

Depending on how well your teeth and gums are taking care of you and how likely it is that you will experience future issues, the interval between checkups can change.

Every six months, kids should visit the dentist so that tooth decay can be identified and treated early.


How Do You Permanently Cure a Toothache?

Your dentist will fill the cavity or extract the tooth, as appropriate, if one is to blame for the toothache. If the toothache is brought on by an infection of the tooth’s nerve, a root canal may be required to remove the infected pulp and replace it with the sealing material.

What Do I Need to Know before Going to the Dentist?

1) You require routine medical examinations

2) Have No Fear of the X-Ray

3) Do Not Feel Shame

4) Continue with Your Schedule

5) Gum Bleeding is abnormal

6) There Are No Shortcuts

7) Little ones also require checkups

8) Disclose Everything

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