How To Get Rid Of Adderall Tongue? Causes & Treatment

How To Get Rid Of Adderall Tongue? Causes & Treatment

The dextroamphetamine drug family includes the stimulant drug Adderall. One of the side effects of consuming it could be the Adderall tongue

The term “Adderall tongue” refers more to a group of symptoms that Adderall users frequently describe than it does to a recognized medical condition. How to get rid of Adderall tongue? There isn’t a specific treatment available right now for Adderall tongue. You can reduce dryness, though, by using the advice below.

What you should know about Adderall in general, common symptoms and side effects, and possible causes are listed below.

What Is Adderall?

A common behavioral disorder called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects between 3% and 10% of children and adolescents and roughly 2.5% of adults. ADHD symptoms include inattention, trouble focusing, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Most people who have ADHD use medications to manage their symptoms, and these medications are generally quite effective.

One of many stimulant medications used to treat ADHD is Adderall. The generic name for Adderall is dextroamphetamine-amphetamine. It has two ingredients, dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, and it alters how neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin affect your brain.

Related Reading: How Long Does Adderall Stay In Your System?

Symptoms Of Adderall Tongue

Due to the lack of studies specifically examining this phenomenon, the majority of descriptions of Adderall tongue are anecdotal. These side effects appear to be felt differently and to varying degrees by each individual. Here’s what many people describe:

  • A sore tongue
  • A dry tongue and dry mouth
  • A raw feeling on the tongue
  • A swelling of the tongue and mouth
  • Ulcers or sores on the tongue

What Causes Adderall Tongue?

The nature of the ingredients used to make Adderall is the main reason for experiencing Adderall tongue symptoms.

Methylphenidate and amphetamine, for example, have been shown in research to cause dry mouth.

Because Adderall may have a negative effect on their hormonal balance, some people with ADHD experience increased impulsivity and fidgeting when taking the medication.

People taking Adderall may unknowingly engage in oral tics like grinding their teeth, tongue-sucking, or other behaviors when their ADHD symptoms worsen.

Dehydration, a dry mouth, tongue pain, and other negative effects may result from this.

Allergic Reactions

A swollen tongue is one of the most typical symptoms of an allergic reaction to Adderall, despite the fact that such reactions are uncommon. Other potential signs of an Adderall allergic reaction include:5

  • Hives
  • Rash
  • Swelling of the face (lips, mouth, throat and the areas around the eyes)
  • Anaphylaxis, which can include labored breathing, dizziness, nausea, disorientation, rapid pulse, vomiting

How To Get Rid Of Adderall Tongue

  • Drink lots of fluids – The dry mouth that comes with taking Adderall may be lessened by drinking plenty of liquids and staying hydrated. Dry mouth has been linked to dehydration, according to studies.
  • Avoid tobacco and caffeine – Instead of using tobacco or caffeine to treat your dry mouth, try drinking water or juice. Dry mouth has been linked in studies to both caffeine and tobacco use.
  • Chew lozenges, candy, or sugar-free gum – Dry mouth and tongue from Adderall might be somewhat relieved by chewing sugar-free gum or lozenges. Your saliva production may be boosted by chewing xylitol-containing gum.
  • Avoid breathing through your mouthBreathing through your mouth may make your mouth dry. Instead, breathing through your nose could lessen dryness.

In the event that the symptoms persist despite taking the aforementioned measures, your doctor may adjust or stop your medication. You must follow a few safety precautions before consuming or stopping Adderall.

drink water

How To Prevent Adderall Tongue?

By following treatment recommendations from your doctor, such as drinking plenty of water, sucking on sugarless gum or candies, or staying hydrated, you may be able to avoid some of the symptoms of Adderall tongue. These methods may need to be utilized for the entire time you are taking Adderall, to keep your symptoms at bay, but some people may find that their dry mouth symptoms resolve with time.8

If you experience any allergic reaction-related Adderall tongue symptoms, you should generally stop taking Adderall to treat your ADHD and start taking a different drug instead. Other medications used to treat ADHD include:10

  • Concerta
  • Daytrana
  • Focalin
  • Metadate
  • Methylin
  • Ritalin

When To See A Doctor?

The best course of action is to speak with your doctor if you are taking Adderall to treat your ADHD and are experiencing any side effects. Consult a doctor right away if your tongue is swollen and it is preventing you from breathing. The potential cures for Adderall tongue are discussed in the following section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a smell on Adderall’s breath?

There is currently no scientific evidence to support the claim that Adderall causes bad breath.

Can Adderall cause cottonmouth?

Yes, one of the side effects of using Adderall is having a dry mouth or cottonmouth.

Can Adderall damage your teeth?

Taking Adderall may cause bruxism, or teeth grinding, to develop.

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