How To Fix Scapular Winging? (All You Need To Know)

How To Fix Scapular Winging? (All You Need To Know)

The upper arm is joined to the collarbone by the scapula, also called the shoulder blade. It helps the arm maintain stability and movement because muscles surround it. There are numerous reasons why the scapula may be winging.

Identifying the root of a winged scapula is necessary for fixing it. A winging scapula may result from trauma or injury, poor posture, nerve damage, or overuse of the shoulder blade. There are both surgical and non-surgical ways to treat this condition.

Keep reading to learn more about scapular winging.

What is Scapular Winging?

A winged scapula is relatively simple to spot. It can’t be mistaken for common problems like a shoulder knot. Visually detecting an abnormal protrusion is simple because the shoulder blades on the upper back sit just below the skin. From the back, a winged scapula will protrude at an angle. Nearly all cases result in the protrusion of one or both shoulder blades, though some cases result in a more obvious protrusion.

Scapular winging’s root causes are unfortunately somewhat more elusive. There are numerous causes, each of which manifests differently and calls for a different approach to treatment.

How to Fix Your Scapular Winging?

People who have scapular winging can benefit from a variety of exercises. Before performing any stretches, including those listed below, it is, however, always advisable to consult your doctor.

Self Massage

To penetrate these areas, you should use a tennis ball, lacrosse ball, or baseball (if you’re really nuts like that). No, using this technique does not cause any fascia or muscle fibers to break down. To increase blood flow and lessen muscle tone, we simply spend 30 seconds to two minutes at the most on each muscle group (pecs, subclavius, lats, serratus, traps, and rhomboids). So that the breathing and repositioning exercises are more effective, this somewhat calms the body.

Scapular Stretch

• Stand up and hold onto something with the hand of the affected shoulder at waist level.
• To keep your shoulder blade level and in place, lean just a little away from that side.
• Use your free hand to gently pull your head down and away from that shoulder while tilting your head away from that side to add a small amount of neck stretch.
• Hold for 30 seconds.
• Repeat 3 to 5 times.

Scapular Push-Ups

• Put yourself in the standard push-up position.
• Push-ups should only be done with your shoulder blades, straight arms, and a tight core.
• It’s okay if your chest doesn’t move more than a few inches. The goal is to contract every muscle between the shoulder blades.
• Perform 15 to 20 repetitions.
• Repeat 3 times.

Standing Angels

• Start by standing up straight, placing your palms over your head, and bending your elbows so they face outward.
• As you bring your arms down, contract the muscles in your upper back and scapula.
• Your elbows should be pointing downward, and your palms should be facing up at shoulder height.
• Back up above your head, and reunite your hands. This is one rep.
• Ensure that the entire time, your scapula muscles are contracted.
• Repeat 10 to 12 reps.
• Repeat 3 times.

Scapular Retraction

• Place your hands just above your head in a forward-facing position with your elbows bent.
• Bring your elbows up behind your back toward one another, as if trying to get them to touch. Squeeze your shoulder blades together.
• Keep doing this while keeping your palms facing forward.
• Put your hands back where they were when you started. This is one rep.
• Do 12 to 15 repetitions.
• Repeat 3 times.

Seated Row

• Attach two resistance bands to a sturdy object in your path.
• Take hold of the bands with one in each hand while seated or standing with your knees bent.
• Pull your elbows straight back behind you, concentrating on the upper back while maintaining a straight back and parallel hands.
• Put your hands back where they were when you started.
• Perform 12 to 15 reps,
• Repeat 5 to 8 times.

How To Fix Scapular Winging? (All You Need To Know)

How Long to Fix a Winged Scapula?

Depending on how severe the winged scapula is, there may be a recovery path. Some diagnoses can be treated in a few months with simple adjustments and physical therapy. In these situations, the treatment is comparable to relieving a pinched shoulder nerve.

Other times, it can take up to 2 years for the scapular winging to fully recover. Everything depends on the underlying cause, the available treatment options, and the specifics of each patient.

Symptoms of Scapular Winging

A winged scapula can present with a variety of symptoms, depending on what caused it and how the person’s body responded. Some common symptoms include:

• shoulders blade protrusion.
• Pain in the shoulder.
• Upper back, arm, and neck pain.
• around the shoulder blade, discomfort
• Inconvenience caused by the protruding shoulder blade when sitting or wearing a backpack.
• Shoulder muscle sluggishness or exhaustion
• Limited movement in the affected shoulder and arm.

Types of Scapular Winging

Scapular winging can take several different forms. The available specific treatment options are typically determined by the type. Damage to one or more of the long thoracic nerve, spinal accessory nerve, or dorsal scapular nerves is almost always the underlying cause.

Repetitive Motion Injuries

Scapular winging may be brought on by frequent, shoulder-heavy motions. This problem can be brought on by actions like digging, trimming bushes, washing the car, or frequently lifting objects over your head.

Traumatic Injuries

Scapular winging may be brought on by trauma from falls on the shoulder blade or from injuries like shoulder dislocations, blunt force trauma to the area, neck twists, and blunt force trauma.

Non-Traumatic Injuries

Additionally, it can be brought on by the flu, polio, specific surgical procedures, allergic reactions, and some medications.

Drug overdose and muscular dystrophy are additional risk factors.

Long-term bad posture can also contribute to winging scapular.

How To Fix Scapular Winging? (All You Need To Know)

Winged Scapula Treatment

The underlying cause determines the specific treatment for the winged scapula. There are both surgical and nonsurgical options. Before seriously considering surgical options, nonsurgical options should typically be explored. Bracing, physical therapy, and chiropractic adjustments are popular non-invasive treatments.

Can a Chiropractor Fix Winged Scapula?

The ability of chiropractors to treat winged scapula is a frequently asked question, though they can help with shoulder pain in general. Although chiropractic care usually isn’t right for winged scapula caused by traumatic injuries, it is a good option for winged scapula caused by injuries or issues with the muscles and tendons.

Actually, by visiting a chiropractor for shoulder impingement or other shoulder problems, you may be able to stop the winged scapula before it worsens. This is due to the fact that chiropractic adjustments can aid in correcting posture imbalances and strengthening the muscles that support the shoulder and scapula.

Do not hesitate to seek chiropractic care if you are experiencing shoulder problems or believe you may be developing a winged scapula or other shoulder issues. You cannot simply wait for rotator cuff injuries or any other shoulder injuries to heal on their own.

Other Treatment Options

You might need to try different types of treatment if, after a period of time determined by your doctor or chiropractor, chiropractic care, physical therapy, and/or bracing haven’t improved your condition.

Out of the three primary surgical procedures, nerve and muscle transfers are the least dangerous. This is when a surgeon transplants sound muscle and nerve tissue to the injured area to encourage sound healing and return to normal function. Static stabilization is a surgical procedure that uses a sling to connect the scapula to another skeleton component, such as the ribs or vertebrae.

Fusion of the scapula and ribs is the more risky procedure. This is typically the last option and typically has more negative side effects.

Scapular Winging Summary

In conclusion, scapular winging isn’t a problem. Your stability in your shoulders won’t be ruined by it because it happens. The best way to get better at it is to improve your shoulder’s internal rotation and ribcage positioning against gravity. Concentrate particularly on the breathing and repositioning exercises before beginning the strength training. Get into this routine two or three times per week to see results.

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