How Long After Fluoride Can I Eat? Answered!

In addition to some of our other aftercare advice, here is a chart from our website that details how soon after receiving a fluoride treatment you should eat. However, it’s still important to speak with your dentist about this.

What is Fluoride?

Fluorine is a gas in its pure form. It must be combined with other elements because it doesn’t exist in nature in this form. Fluoride, a mineral that makes up a large portion of the soil and rock formations on earth, is created in this manner from the gas fluorine.

‍The fluoride used in dental products is derived from fluorine, an organic element that ranks 13th in terms of abundance in the crust of the earth.

For more than 70 years, fluoride has been used as one of the most effective preventative measures against tooth decay. Fluoride is either ingested (known as systemic fluoride) or applied topically to the teeth (known as topical fluoride).

‍Fluoride is also found in small amounts in water sources. This is due to the fact that water washes fluoride-containing minerals away and dissolves them into lakes, rivers, and oceans.

‍The levels of fluoride in water depend on the type of water and the type of minerals that it comes in contact with. One part per million, or about the same amount as the majority of public water supplies, is found in ocean water, for instance.

How Long After Fluoride Treatment Can I Eat?

Waiting about 30 minutes after your fluoride treatment before you eat is advised to give the fluoride time to fully absorb. After the procedure, you shouldn’t experience any pain, but it’s possible to experience some sensitivity near your teeth and gums.

‍However, the waiting period depends on what kind of treatment you receive. Although your dentist is the best resource for information on aftercare instructions, there are some general recommendations you should abide by to get the most out of your fluoride treatment.

Tips for Post-Flouride Treatment

Avoid Hard Foods

Don’t consume foods like chips and pretzels that put an undue amount of pressure on your teeth. Additionally, steer clear of anything that is overly chewy, such as beef jerky.

Avoid Citrusy Foods

The sensitivity you might experience after your fluoride treatment can be lessened by avoiding foods with citrus flavors.

Stick to Soft Foods

After your fluoride treatment, foods like soup, mashed potatoes, or yogurt can all make for delicious lunches.

Avoid Hot Beverages

Drinks should only be consumed at room temperature after receiving treatment because your teeth and gums might be sensitive.

Don’t Brush Or Floss

You want to give the fluoride from your treatment a chance to really set in. In light of this, waiting six hours before starting your oral hygiene regimen is a good idea.

It’s important to follow your doctor’s aftercare instructions. However, you can safely pick up your old routines after six hours. Obviously, you should brush and floss your teeth before bed as well as consume whatever you want to eat and drink.

How Long After Fluoride Can I Eat? Answered!

What to Eat After a Cleaning?

As we mentioned earlier, there may be some foods to consider before consuming them immediately following a dental cleaning. Some of these types of foods include those that are:

• Hot
• Cold
• Sticky
• Crunchy
• Spicy
• Citrusy

While this may seem restrictive, especially if you are among those patients that use their lunch hour for dental visits, your teeth are more sensitive than usual. A light salad or sandwich, yogurt, eggs, and cheese would all make a delicious post-cleaning lunch!

Ensure that you stay away from any sugary drinks and anything that might cause tooth stains. It’s best to avoid drinking coffee, tea, and soda. Try to stick with water that is at room temperature for at least a few hours after your dental cleaning.

What is a Fluoride Treatment?

Fluoride is present in high concentrations during professional fluoride treatments—oftentimes concentrations that are not safe for over-the-counter use. It’s crucial to leave this treatment to the experts because fluoride can be ingested (which may result in some unfavorable side effects).

‍This is where your dentist comes in. If your dentist determines after consulting with you that you would benefit from a fluoride treatment, they can professionally administer one.

What Are the Benefits of a Fluoride Treatment?

Strengthened Enamel

The mineral fluoride binds to your tooth enamel, strengthening it and increasing its resistance to decay.

Better Use of Minerals

Even though fluoride is a mineral itself, it also allows your body to make better use of other minerals, such as calcium—which is found in many foods. This contributes to remineralizing your teeth.

Slowed Tooth Decay

It is believed that fluoride kills plaque-forming bacteria, which can reduce the amount of harmful acid they release.

Indeed, studies demonstrate that fluoridation (systemic or topical) can help lower the risk of cavities, stop gum disease, lessen tooth sensitivity, and generally promote better dental health.


As long as you didn’t also receive a fluoride treatment, you can eat right away after a routine dental cleaning. You should wait 30 minutes before eating if you had a fluoride treatment. For the treatment to be effective and for the fluoride to be absorbed into the teeth, it takes time.

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