Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? Here’s Everything You Should Know

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? Here’s Everything You Should Know

Kiwis are small, flavorful fruits that are both sweet and sour. Vitamins C, K, E, folate, and potassium are among the many nutrients for humans that are abundant in this tiny fruit. It gives us a ton of nourishing advantages.

Can dogs eat kiwi? Yes, it’s acceptable to give your dog some of your kiwi snacks if you’re doing so.

Learn more about the advantages and possible health risks of kiwifruits as well as whether you can share your fruit with your dog in the sections that follow.

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi?

Yes, the majority of dogs can eat kiwi. If the fruit is fed to dogs in moderation and cut into small pieces, it is paw-fectly safe for them to eat. It makes a tasty but reasonably healthy treat for your dog because it is primarily water (around 80%) and contains a fair amount of vitamins and sugar.

Like most foods, your dog’s sensitivity will determine whether or not they can eat kiwi. This is because your pooch simply might not like the taste of kiwi, or they could have a sensitive stomach and find it disagreeable.

Is Kiwi Safe For Dogs To Eat?

The question of whether your dog can enjoy kiwi with you may seem simple, but the answer is a little more complicated than that. The short answer is that kiwis are a fruit that dogs can eat relatively safely. Before feeding it to your dog as a treat, it is advised that you remove the skin and seeds.

As with any new food, it is always wise to introduce kiwi to your dog slowly, so you can easily determine if your dog has an allergy, intolerance, or any trouble digesting them.

Kiwi fruit has many health benefits for humans, but the same cannot be said for dogs, so feeding it to them requires some level of caution and discretion.


Is Kiwi Beneficial for Dogs?

In short, yes, your dog can enjoy kiwis as a healthy and natural treat.

Never give your dog a whole kiwi because they are somewhat small in size. A larger breed, such as the Golden Retriever, might be able to finish the kiwi in just one bite, whereas smaller breeds, like the Havanese, won’t be able to do so. The fruit may become stuck in your dog’s throat and obstruct his airways if that happens. Slice or chop the kiwi into manageable pieces so that your dog can eat a small amount of it at a time without becoming choosy.

The fact that a kiwi contains more vitamin C than an orange may surprise you. Folate, potassium, and vitamin K are also present in large quantities. Additionally, it contains a few plant-based enzymes that have been shown to improve both human and canine digestion. The fruit also contains fiber, which is advantageous to their digestive system (especially if they eat the skin).

It is crucial for maintaining healthy metabolic processes, such as the production of DNA and red blood cells, that folate (also known as vitamin B9 or folic acid) be consumed. The electrolyte potassium, on the other hand, maintains the electrical currents in the body and permits energy to flow between muscles and cells. This, in turn, keeps the heart beating normally and the nerves in the body from malfunctioning.

Along with serving as a potent antioxidant, vitamin C is paw-tent for helping your furry friend’s wounds heal and supporting their immune system. In the meantime, vitamin K supports normal blood clotting and healthy blood function. However, dogs don’t require a lot of these vitamins from their diet because they can synthesize or produce both of them naturally in their bodies.

You may need to watch your dog’s vitamin C intake if they are prone to calcium oxalate kidney stones because vitamin C can promote stone growth. 

Potential Health Risks That Kiwis Give To Dogs

Kiwi can be made safe for dogs by cutting them into small pieces or only using them as a treat occasionally. If your dog eats too many calories from high-sugar fruits or has a kiwi allergy, several health problems may develop. Providing kiwis to your dog comes with the following three risks:

  1. 1. Choking: Small dogs with narrow throats may suffocate on large chunks of kiwi. Before giving a kiwi to your dog, cut it into bite-sized pieces. Dogs with sensitive stomachs can also benefit from smaller portions by breaking down the fruit for easier digestion.
  2. 2. Constipation: In dogs, kiwi skin can result in constipation or intestinal blockage. For your pet, this might be a painful condition that makes it challenging for them to pass solid waste. Negative health conditions like obstipation (colonic impaction) and megacolon (colonic dilation) can develop if the obstruction does not clear up or is not treated.
  3. 3. Obesity: Kiwi should not be fed dogs on a regular basis because it contains too many calories and sugar, which can cause weight gain and other issues with health related to obesity. In addition to putting stress on your dog’s hips and joints, extra weight can also affect their mobility and quality of life.

Do Dogs Have Kiwi Allergies?

Dogs may not always be allergic to kiwi, but some may appear to be more sensitive than others. However, this is generally the case because each dog is an individual with unique sensitivities and tastes.

Your dog’s mouth may become slightly irritated if they consume kiwi skin. Kiwi skin consumption can result in swelling and itching that may be mistaken for an allergy. The skin’s calcium oxalate crystals are to blame for this reaction. It can vary, though, in how it impacts your dog. Some dogs don’t seem to react at all, while others may become irritable and off-balance.

Simply feed your dog the flesh of the kiwi fruit and throw away the skin if you want to be safe.

However, since the fruit’s skin is edible and contains the majority of its nutrients, you could start by giving your dog a small piece to see how they react. 

How Much Kiwi Can A Dog Eat?

Never give your dog a whole kiwi because it poses a risk of choking, particularly if they are gulpers. If you can’t be sure your dog will chew everything thoroughly, it’s best to cut food into smaller pieces because it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Kiwis are safer for your dog to eat when they are cut up because they pose no choking risk.

Plus, whole kiwi fruit is too much for a small breed like a Chihuahua to eat anyway, and having that much fruit might upset their stomach. Unbothered, a large dog might be able to consume a whole kiwi.

Always follow the 10% rule when choosing how much Kiwi to give your dog. Kiwis are still regarded as a treat despite being a natural and healthy snack. No treat should account for more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie allowance, including fruits and vegetables.

Tips To Introduce Kiwi Into A Dog’s Diet

When feeding your dog kiwi or other human food, abide by these rules:

  • 1. Introduce small amounts. Start giving your dog kiwi in small doses so that it can gradually get used to the new nutrients and ingredients. A dog’s digestive system can be harmed by abrupt changes to its regular diet. Kiwi seeds and skin can be toxic to dogs if they eat them in large quantities, despite the fact that the fleshy fruit of the kiwi is edible.
  • 2. Monitor your dog for an allergic reaction. After you introduce a new food to your pet, look for indications of food allergies. Swelling, breathing problems or digestive problems are typical allergic side effects. Avoid giving your dog fruits like bananas, avocados, and watermelons if they exhibit symptoms of a kiwi allergy.
  • 3. Watch for signs of upset stomach or constipation. Adverse gastrointestinal reactions to food or treatment can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea as symptoms. The majority of the time, these symptoms will go away on their own within a few hours; however, if they continue for more than one to two days, you should get in touch with a veterinarian right away.

Take Away

All year long, kiwis are available. The treat for your dog can be improved even further by choosing a good, ripe kiwi. A firm, brown, fuzzy, wrinkle-free, and unblemished kiwi fruit is indicative of its ripeness. Kiwi fruit should not be consumed and is most likely overripe if it is bruised, shriveled, or has mold.

Remember that some human foods can have negative effects on dogs, so always check with your vet to see if adding these foods to your pet’s diet is safe.

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